Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Is What I Believe

There's a great article on Lew Rockwell today about Jim Rogers predicting the imminent collapse of the British Pound, creating a global chain reaction, pulling down fiat currencies and creating a crisis that makes the last one look tame.

Here's an excerpt, which is actually what I believe, and is what actually gives me hope.  By hope, of course, I mean the regional breakup of the Empire and free zones created on American soil.  Yes, I know, Part 5 of "Please sir, may I have some more (freedom?) is coming soon (emphasis mine):

Now some of the savvier cynics among us will claim that this is just what has been "planned." That those who are driving the world toward an ever-more perfect union, want to create this sort of crisis, with an eye toward implementing an ever-more centralized solution. We can believe this may have been the plan, but if so, we also believe it's spinning out of control. We don't believe, for instance, the elite wants to lose the European Union or the euro anymore than it wants its painstakingly created global warming promotion to go belly up. We think events are driving the elite for once, rather than the other way round. The combination of bad economic times and the socio-political education available on the Internet itself is proving lethal to many elite promotions, including central banking and fiat money.

It all comes down to what you believe, dear reader. If you believe that the EU and global warming were just way-stations on the road to world government, then you will likely believe that the current chaotic climate is purposeful and that what emerges hews to a long-term plan. If you believe as the Bell does, then you will likely take the position that what is occurring today is out of anyone's control, and that it is a kind of perfect storm, or as Anthony Wile wrote in High Alert in 2003, a financial hurricane – one the power elite never expected. It is, in fact, a confluence of a ruinous global economy and the educative effects of the Internet. The former the elite may have foreseen and advanced. The latter, we believe, was something the elite never imagined.

See you all soon in Montana/Wyoming/Idaho, etc.?

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