Monday, February 15, 2010

Tea Party Danger

I encourage everyone to read Pastor Chuck Baldwin's latest editorial concerning the establishment takeover of the so-called "Tea Party".  As I have done here, he warns about establishment candidates being paraded as "mavericks."  Here's a taste of his article:

"But now many of the Tea Parties are distancing themselves from Dr. Paul and embracing establishment players such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Even Newt Gingrich is being courted. Watch out, Tea Party Nation: you're in danger of losing your soul! Newt Gingrich is not one of you. He is not your friend. He is an imposter. He will destroy you just like he almost single-handedly destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994."

The whole article is here.

And to remind you where the modern Tea Party comes from, and what it represents, I take you back to December 16, 2007--the 234th anniversary of the original Tea Party.  And did I donate $100 on December 16th?  You bet I did.


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