Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Christian Voluntaryist Reading

I received a letter from a reader asking about reading recommendations for Christian Voluntaryists.  My knowledge of such material is limited, so if anyone knows of sources, please comment.  But for now, and for everyone's benefit, here is my reply:

I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the blog. I hope to write much, much more on Christianity and freedom now and in the future. I think you are correct that there aren't many Christians who are voluntaryists these days. I believe in the past there were many more, particularly in the late 18th century.

Unfortunately too many Christians have bought into the neocon propaganda that while killing most people is wrong, the major exception is Muslims. There are too many flags and military-worship "events" in too many churches. Too much approval of and prayer for the Israeli regime, rather than for the Israeli people. I know many Israelis and Muslims personally, and I know God loves them all. This does not mean their leaders are righteous or deserving of our blood and treasure.

It's also too bad that there doesn't appear to be a lot of reading material for Christian voluntaryists. I do recommend "America's God and Country" that I wrote about in the blog. In addition, although I haven't read much of them yet, I recommend William Johnson, Frank Chodorov, and the 1950's magazine "Faith and Freedom," available at the Mises Institute website www.mises.org.

Of course I hope I can help fill the void. I feel very deeply that Christ is indeed the Prince of Peace, and hope to spread the message of God's love to whomever has an ear to hear.

May God bless you and your family,


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