Sunday, February 7, 2010

The End of Western Civilization

Western civilization is at a crossroads. Its very existence is at stake. Our way of life, our freedom of speech, religion, association, self-defense, etc. are threatened permanently. What happens, predominantly in the United States, in the next few years will determine whether liberty will continue or fail at its grand experiment.

To the average person such comments might seem ludicrous. Barack Obama accepts a Nobel Peace Prize and proclaims "a vision of liberty" for the world. Hollywood continues to crank out its blockbusters. The NFL plays their games religiously every Sunday. The sixth generation of the iPod hits the shelves. If anything, Western civilization appears to be stronger than ever.

So why do I contend it's all about to end? Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) was an eminent historian and researcher on the history of civilizations. He was also an insider and proponent of one-world government, who wrote openly of his first hand knowledge of the Round Table groups, Council on Foreign Relations and the "Shadow Government" of elites that pulls the strings behind supposedly free societies (see Tragedy and Hope, 1966).

Quigley may have been on the globalist team, but he appears to have been an excellent historian and honest broker of his knowledge. One of his most important works was his 1961 book, "The Evolution of Civilizations." In the book, after defining exactly what civilizations are and how they ascend to the title, he notes a particular pattern, or set of phases, that all civilizations have empirically passed through in their journey from inception to dissolution.

These phases are:

1) Mixture

2) Gestation

3) Expansion

4) Conflict

5) Universal Empire

6) Decay

7) Invasion

For brevity's sake I will give slight comment on only the last of these phases. The good news, and the purpose of this post, is that the phases do not have to be irreversably consecutive.

In fact, Quigley asserts that Western Civilization has proceeded beyond, and back to, phase 3, or Expansion, three times. The "instrument of expansion" has been feudalism (about 970-1270), commercial capitalism (about 1420-1650) and industrial capitalism (about 1725-1929). However, he then states that industrial capitalism had become institutionalized by 1930 as monopoly capitalism, and Western civilization entered, "for the third time... a major era of crisis."

He then describes the phase of conflict as a period of imperialist wars, encouraged by a public that has lost vested interest in the existing institution of expansion:

"Unable to get ahead by other means (such as economic means), they seek to get ahead by political action, above all by taking wealth from their political neighbors. At the same time they turn to irrationality to compensate for the growing insecurity of life... This is generally a period of gambling, use of narcotics or intoxicants, obsession with sex (frequently as perversion), increasing crime, growing numbers of neurotics and psychotics, growing obsession with death and with the Hereafter."  pg 152.

Sounds like a pretty good description of the world from 1930-1990. Yet civilizations can and do "reform" and can pass back to phase 3. But if not, they pass on to phase 5, or Universal Empire. Interestingly, Quigley had this to say (in 1961, remember):

"... we may continue in the Age of Conflict until the whole of our civilization comes to be dominated by a single state (probably the United States)." pg 154.

Quigley describes Universal Empire as having these attributes:

"Little real economic expansion is possible because no real instrument of expansion exists... The vested interests have triumphed and are living off their capital, building unproductive and blantant monuments ... The masses of the people in such an empire live from the waste of these non-productive expenditures. The golden age is really the glow of overripeness, and soon decline begins."

On phase 6, Decay:

"The Stage of Decay is a period of acute economic depression, declining standards of living, civil wars between the various vested interests, and growing illiteracy. The society grows weaker and weaker. Vain efforts are made to stop the wastage by legislation. But the deline continues."

And phase 7, Invasion:

"...the Stage of Invasion, when the civilization, no longer able to defend itself because it is no longer willing to defend itself, lies wide open to 'barbarian invaders.'"

I believe today we have moved into Phase 6 in the evolution of Western civilization. The United States has acheived Universal Empire and is now in decay. The emminence and prosperity of the US-led West is an illusion, the "glow of overripeness."  Washington D.C.'s "vision of liberty" is nothing more than newspeak. Slavery is freedom. How could it be anything else when while giving lipservice to liberty he is systematically dismantling the Bill of Rights at home?

Where do we go from here? Unless something dramatic happens, we are destined to move quickly through phase 6 and into phase 7, taking the entire West with us. This may indeed be what Quigley and his ilk, certainly understanding this, want. But it's not what I want.

I began by saying Western civilization was at a crossroads. I say this with dead seriousness. It is certainly harder to go from phase 6 all the way back to phase 3 than from phase 4 to phase 3, but I feel it can, it must be done. If it is not, we will slide into a new Dark Age of slavery and opression.

I feel that with restored liberties, an abandonment of Universal Empire, and as an economic instrument of expansion true, free-market capitalism we can get there. But it will not happen by "adjusting leadership" from Republican to Democrat, the two parties sharing a bucket to hell. Barack Obama is George Bush with a nice tan. It will only happen by a radical, revolutionary change in our direction.

It will only happen if the freedom movement grows and takes back the reigns of our nation, and our civilization.

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