Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tell-Tale Signs

Well, I was supposed to be in Israel by now.  Instead, I've been stranded in Minneapolis for two days by two feet of global warming in New York City.

So what do you do when there's three feet of snow on the ground on a winter's day in Minneapolis?  All the hotels near the airport have hourly shuttles to the Mall of America.  I went over there tonight to grab a bite, and while waiting for the shuttle to return I saw this sign:

So nice to know that you are forbidden by law to defend yourself in the Mall of America.  This iconic building, filled with thousands of people, some unarmed security guards and perhaps some police (I didn't see any, but they must be there somewhere) is one of those famous "soft targets" for terrorists and crazies.

But it's OK, because guns are forbidden.  Bad guys would certainly read the sign and leave their weapons in the car.  Right?

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