Sunday, February 7, 2010

Arrogance, Hypocricy, Reciprocity, and the Golden Rule

"Be not deceived. God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7

The war party is asking for trouble.

The verse above from the Bible is far more than just a religious nicety. It reflects an immutable natural law. Evidence of this is that similar expressions appear in other religions, and from secular sources, as well as science itself. No one can deny that if you sow a kernel of corn, the plant that breaks through the soil will absolutely be a corn plant, not a watermelon, nor a hawk nor a handsaw.

One cannot say 'I am planting corn because I want to produce wheat for all.' Yet this is exactly what the war party is saying when it pushes pre-emptive wars in the name of global freedom and peace. They contend that planting a little war today will harvest a lot of peace tomorrow.

But it will not. And it can not. If the authors of pre-emptive war believe they are so righteous and so important they can change the rules of the universe, they are in for a rude, and devastating, awakening.

So the question is, what will the doctrines of the war party harvest? The answers are too bitter to swallow, so the current regime pretends they don't exist. They clasp their hands over their ears, shut their eyes tight, and hum at high volume. However, ignoring the answers will not change them.

If it is acceptable to torture an "enemy combatant" because he might have information that will save American lives, it is acceptable for the enemy to torture American soldiers for information helpful to the enemy cause. The war party today is planting the seeds of the horrifying pain and suffering of American soldiers in the future. Thanks, guys, you really support our troops.

If it is acceptable to cut off food and essentials through sanctions and account seizures, causing millions of innocents in other countries to suffer, starve, and die from illness and hunger, it is acceptable for future enemies to cut off food and essentials to American children. Sorry, thinking we're the "good guys" so we're immune from natural law doesn't cut it by any measure.

If it is acceptable to launch a pre-emptive war against a country that might do something bad in the future, it is also acceptable to have a pre-emptive war launched against the United States, by say, China, a decade or two from now, because America might do something "bad" to China. The only requirement is military strength, which China is rapidly acquiring.

Unfortunately, if a single kernel of corn is planted, the harvest does not consist of a single kernal of corn. It is multiplied exponentially, multiple ears with hundreds of kernels. Therefore one more Bible verse, representing yet another natural law, sheds light on our future, if we do not change our course soon:

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7

The harvest of our present evil will return to us greater evil. (Hands to ears, eyes closed!  Start humming now!)

Neither does any claim of God being "on our side" negate the natural law. From the same chapter in Hosea, a claim of "knowing God" is made:

"They cry out to Me, "My God, we (of the war party) know Thee!" (verse 2)

But it simply cannot be. Iif that were true, they would have followed the natural law!

"Though I wrote for him ten thousand precepts of My law, they are regarded as a strange thing." (verse 12)

And so the corn comes up, and the harvest is... corn.  In abundance.  (Religion helpful, but not required.)

So what should we as a nation be sowing, if we want peace and freedom for ourselves and our neighbors? I have an idea. How about... peace and freedom?

"But... but... but... terrorists are bad!" Yes, and this changes natural law how?

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12

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