Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nausea For Breakfast

And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."  Genesis 2:16-17

In the future I will talk about God's intended state for man, that man be free and in fellowship with Him.  Adam had perfect liberty in the garden, but he sacrificed it by breaking the one and only rule God had given him.  The rule was in place to protect the man from a great evil.  The serpent wished that evil upon Adam, and persuaded him to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Man did not need to know the nature of evil.  His choice doomed him to death, but more than that, to sorrow in life.  Now the one more knows about the world, the more sorrow he has.  I always check the news in the morning, and usually the mix of good and bad is balanced enough to start my day off reasonably well.  Not this morning, however.  As I browsed my regular web sites, I ran into the following items.  My day is not starting off well.  This is your fault, Adam...

1)  A two minute video from the National Guard, glorifying war and exalting soliders to saintly, almost divine status.

2)  A Palo Alto, California cop, bragging on Facebook on how if he killed law abiding citizens legally demonstrating their second amendment rights he'd get "two weeks off." 

Note:  The implication of course is police are above the law and will be exonerated for any crime.  This was one of the "injuries" Jefferson spoke about in the Declaration of Independence:  "For protecting (the King's armed men), by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states..."

3)  Attacks on Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina from both the left (Chris Matthews on MSNBC labeled her a racist) and the right (Glenn Beck made her out to be a conspiracy theorist nutcase on his radio show).

Note:  Debra Medina has exploded from 4% to 24% in the polls.  This has sent the establishment into panic mode. They are scared to death of Medina, and have set their nefarious propaganda machine in motion.  This is obvious because 1)  the attacks came on the same day, just after the poll was released,  2)  the attacks came from both sides of the single Republicrat coin,  and 3) both of these charges were made with prevarication--deliberately made with the explicit knowledge that what was being charged was not in fact true.  And then both hosts marginalized and laughed about her--this candidate the Houston Chronicle called "the only adult in the room" after the first gubernatorial debate.

There is a war on for the minds and souls of men.  This morning I felt we were losing ground.  So I'm not feeling so well.

How's your day going?

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