Thursday, February 25, 2010

Keeping up

I know I have not posted in a while.  I've been getting ready for five weeks of travel, beginning tomorrow with two weeks in Israel.  Should be able to blog more regularly while on the road.

But here are a couple of tidbits that interested me:

Seems that John McCain, the "true conservative" who wanted to bring you amnesty and an ever bigger Leviathan, is getting, to quote Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, "all mavericky" again.  This bastion of "libbertee" wants more regulation and control on what you put into your own body, further insuring that it is nothing but big-Agri food-like products and officially-sanctioned big-Pharma poison.

Read about this psychopathic monster's latest grab at your rights here.  The powers that be deceptively put the word "Safety" into the title of every one of their tyranical bills.  Really, do we need the federal governement to tell us what to eat/drink/smoke?  This bill is so heavy on regulation it would put many supplement companies right out of business.  Those who remained could only produce "FDA-approved" supplements.

Next, it appears the bankrupt city of Los Angeles is trying to ramp up "code enforcement" to raise money.  To do so one of the things they're "cracking down" on is unlicensed dogs

Wouldn't our Founders be proud?  Don't you agree their greatest desire was for legions of regulators and enforcers to drive around town in cars or fly around in helicopters just looking for something for which they could fine/fee/tax someone?

Once again from the Declaration of Independence:

They have erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

Doesn't it make you proud to be an Amerikan?

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