Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One quarter of the way through "Change We Can Believe In"

On the one-year anniversary of Obama's "historic" inaguration, let's take stock... Perpetual war, bailouts, crony corporatism, the rise of the police state.  Yep, that's real change from the Bush 43 administration, no?  Oh, no, it's not.  Nothing's changed at all.

Related to this and my earlier post about the Tea Party, I notice that CFR member Newt Gingrich has a new book out titled "Real Change."   Ri-i-i-i-i-i-ight.  Is the American public as stupid as they think we are?  I sure hope not.

We need to start shouting that the Old Emperor, the Present Emperor, and the would-be future emperors of "Change" are all running around buck naked.  How about we chuck all the Emperors, and let the people rule themselves for a CHANGE?

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