Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Come Into My Parlor, Said The Spider to the Fly

So Scott Brown wins Ted Kennedy's seat, and the press trumpets a new "Republican revolution."  Well, I smell a rat. 

Brown talks about his mentor, John McCain, and a Drudge Report headline asks, "Now, will he run for president?"  He credits his win on (note the order) "talking about terror, taxes, and health care."  What is exactly new and different about Scott Brown?  He's more of the same, apparently being groomed for the national stage, deceptively being called an "outsider."   People, please don't take the bait.

The so-called "Tea Party", a term stolen in broad daylight from the genuinely revolutionary Ron Paul campaign, now won't even let Paul's Campaign for Liberty put up booths at their "convention."  Both Brown's "Republican revolution" and the Tea Party are a giant cons, aimed at diverting the anger of voters who might opt for true liberty to instead funnel it into supporting Republican Party 1, the old GOP, or Republican Party 2, the Tea Party.  This is a blatant and cynical attempt to kill the liberty movement. 

Now the same coin has 3 sides!  Don't drink the Republicrat Tea.  It's laced with cyanide.

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