Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama Fights Two Wars, Bombs Two Other Countries, Increases Spending On Nuclear Weapons, and Prepares for War With Iran

Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; protect me from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war every day.  Psalms 140:1-2

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God.  Matthew 5:9

Remember in May, 2003, when Deputy Destruction Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told Vanity Fair that we could now "remove almost all of our forces from Saudi Arabia," because our "presence there over the last 12 years (now 19 years) has been a source of enormous difficulty" for the Saudi government?  Translation: because we're in Saudi Arabia, we are seen as an infidel occupying holy soil, prompting terrorist attacks against both the Saudis and us. 

Well, apparently "almost all" meant leaving only 10,000 troops, which Hypocrite in Chief Obama has now announced will be trebled, to 30,000.  And he has sent the message he is preparing for war with Iran, and/or with its proxies, Hizballah and Hamas.

Read it here at the Debka file website:

Here's how it works, folks:

1)  The U.S. kills thousands (euphemistically called collateral damage) to eliminate tens of terrorists
2)  The outrage causes hundreds of terrorists to be recruited and attempt more terrorist acts
3)  The U.S. takes away domestic freedoms to insure "security"
4)  The U.S. takes your money, or borrows it, or prints it, to build weapons, and takes your sons and daughters to die on foreign soil.  So-called "Christians" cheer them on.
5)  Defense contractors and private military forces get rich
6)  The U.S. kills hundreds of thousands (more collateral damage!) to eliminate hundreds of terrorists
7)  The outrage causes thousands of terrorists to be recruited and attempt more terrorist acts
8) The U.S. takes away more domestic freedoms to insure "security"
9)  The U.S. takes more of your money, or borrows it, or prints it, to build weapons, and takes more of your sons and daughters to die on foreign soil.  So-called "Christians" want more and more blood
10)  Defense contractors and private military forces get much richer, kill indisriminately, rape women, foreign and domestic
11)  The U.S. kills... oh, you get the picture.  Lather, rinse, repeat...

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