Thursday, November 26, 2015

Last Brain Cells Dying Off - Wiping Out The Founding Fathers

Now there is a movement on college campuses to remove anything related to America's founding fathers - because, according to them, they are racists - and now rapists to boot.  This movement will naturally move from the campus into other areas of our lives.  And removing the rememberences of the founders is only a step away from removing their positive values and ideas.

"What, people should be free?  We should not meddle in other countries' business?  We should be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor?  Those are the crazy ideas of racists and rapists!"

The article below argues that Thomas Jefferson was not a rapist.  As for being a racist, there is some evidence to support the charge.  As a Christian and as a voluntaryist, I truly believe that all people are created equal and that all people own themselves.  I believe that racism is morally wrong.  (I also believe that all people should be personally responsible for themselves.)  But can't we reject the flaws in people while acknowledging their strengths?  Must we throw the baby out with the bath water?

Who among us is perfect?  Who among us is worthy of casting the first stone?  Not me.  How about you?  We all have our skeletons.  We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Every person needs a redeemer if he or she is to be redeemed.  Every person - Thomas Jefferson, you, and me, must stand at the Judgement Seat of Christ and make account for our lives.

There should be no monuments to any man, because no man is good enough.  But I don't see any problem with portraits or statues for context.  The imperfect Jefferson gave us the Declaration of Independence and much of our ideas of human liberty.  He helped launch the world forward, chipping away at tyranny and despotism.  We should thank and remember him for that, even if he was flawed otherwise.

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