Saturday, March 6, 2010

Please sir, may I have some more (freedom?) Part 5

It is time we began raising our voices in a new way.  In the last three years or so, the freedom movement has risen as a Phoenix from the ashes.  Millions now believe that their governments, and their political parties, have long ceased looking out for their best interests, and are now riddled straight through with corruption, blood-thirst, and lust for power.  But our efforts to date have been mostly defensive--we have rallied against things--new taxes, encroachments on our privacy and property, gun control, socialist health care, etc.  We have stood against establishment and neo-con candidates, and have filled our representatives inboxes with our protests.

Meanwhile the runaway train of tyranny continues to careen towards the missing bridge over the chasm.  The conductors, the Republican and Democrat puppets of our overlords, although somewhat irritated, are not overly concerned.  Sure, they may lose a small battle here and there, but they are confident they are winning the war.  Give a little lipservice to these insolent pests.  Even back off on one or two of their newest schemes--like cap and trade or goverment health care--for a little while.  No worries, they think, we'll slip it in under their noses later.

So far, our cries for justice have been faint and half-hearted.  Like the young Oliver Twist, we want what we want, but our courage and our hearts have not yet caught up with the hunger in our bellies:

It isn't good enough. It's too little.  Too late.  As one, we need to rise up, and proclaim boldly:


We need to tell our "leaders" that the status quo is not acceptable under any circumstances.  We refuse to be polite.  No more, "Please sir," as if these criminals were our masters.  We want our freedom, and we want it now.  We will be heard.  We demand the original promise of America. We will prevail.  We are prepared to do what it takes.

He that dasheth in pieces is come up against thee: keep the fortress, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily.  Nahum 2:1 American Standard Version

We will no longer be Oliver Twists, but rather William Wallaces:

Lest anyone misunderstand, we are not calling for violence.  We do not believe in instigating violence.  To become violent is to become THEM.  Them, who have perverted liberty for 250 years, leaving trails of blood all along the way.  We do not wish to be painted with a brush dipped in blood.  We can reclaim our freedom through peaceful means.  It starts with putting our foot down.  NO MORE.

We should immediately begin demanding the entire geographic area of the United States become, for the first time, the land of the free.  The entire United States is of course, our first choice.  But if we cannot have it all, if there are too many of those who wish to remain in chains, then we cannot compel them to be free.  But we must demand for ourselves a place beyond the control of the present oppresors, a place to be free.

It seems unlikely that the dark ones would willingly cede land to people who will not bow to their authority.  So how are we to get our place?  Note:  I will talk about some criteria and possible places in Part 6.

One option is secession.  If enough of us in one geographical area demand our freedom, we could draw our like-minded bretheren from other regions to ours.  Through strength in numbers, we could, like the Declaration of Independence proclaims,

"dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

They would be powerless to stop us.

Of course, they might be foolish and try.  They could attack, for force is all they know--in which case we would have no choice but to defend ourselves and our loved ones.  When, not if, we prevailed, we could negotiate to draw borders for both camps.  Our new, armed-to-the-teeth territory would never again face threat of invasion.  Switzerland with an American attitude. 

So first, peaceful separation.  All would be welcome.  All races, creeds, colors, and religions.  The only requirement is that the rights and property of others are inviolable.  Any designs on the liberty or property of others earns a one-way exile back to the "old" country.

However, I do not think secession or self-defense will be necessary.  I think the US will collapse upon itself, and in the not-too-distant future.  To me, it looks inevitable.  What is not inevitable is what happens next.  It is up to us. 

At that point, and before a military or foreign power can seek to replace the present regime with a new one, we can claim the territory of the free.  And it will be as large as the people support, even from sea to shining sea.